I'm too lazy to setup my own MySQL database on my webserver, so I looked at my other options and I stumbled upon Pachube.The idea to be able to upload data to a central repository, view the data, connect to it and if needed download the data, looked very tempting.
After setting up an account on Pachube, I downloaded the Pachulib OpenWRT library and installed it on my machine. It's basically allowing a manual feed using CSV data to your Pachulib account.
I decided to aggregate information into my SolarPower feed every 60s and I upload :
- Instantaneous Power : last Power measured in Wh
- Average Power (60s) : average Power over last 60s in Wh
- Total Power : Total Power production since dawn in kWh
- Efficiency : W/Wp efficiency in %
I'm quite happy with the results. I can access my data remotely without setting up my own hosting and share data to everybody interested; The only downside is the archiving in 15 minutes granularity. I sometimes need a more precise tracking of production.